35 General Knowledge Questions with Answers

In Today's Post we are Going to See 35 General Knowledge Questions with Answers.These Questions will not only help you in Competitive Exams, but will Also add to your Knowledge. These Questions are Commonly asked in many places. Follow Our blog if you find these Questions important. And also Share with your Friends so that their Knowledge Will increase as well.
35 General Knowledge Questions with Answers
35 General Knowledge Questions with Answers

35 General Knowledge Questions with Answers

1) Who Was the First Woman to Win a Nobel Prize?

Ans- Marie Curie

2) Which Planet is Known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?

Ans- Venus

3) What is the Capital of Canada?

Ans- Ottawa

4) What is the Smallest Unit of Matter?

Ans- Atom

5) Who Wrote "Pride and Prejudice"?

Ans- Jane Austen

6) What is the Chemical Symbol for the Element Gold?


7) What is the National Flower of Japan?

Ans- Cherry Blossom (Sakura)

8) Who Was the First Person to Step on the Moon?

Ans- Neil Armstrong

9) What is the Largest Desert in the World?

Ans- The Sahara Desert

10) Who is Often Credited with inventing the World Wide Web?

Ans- Tim Berners Lee

11) What is the Longest Bone in the Human Body?

Ans- Femur (Thigh Bone)

12) Which Famous Document Begins with the Words, "When in the Course of Human Events."?

Ans- The Declaration of Independence (of the United States)

13) What is the Capital city of Spain?

Ans- Madrid

14) Which Element has the Atomic Number 1?

Ans - Hydrogen

15) Which Planet is Known as the Red Planet?

Ans- Mars

16) Who Developed the Theory of Relativity?

Ans- Albert Einstein

17) Which ocean is the largest by surface area?

Ans- Pacific Ocean

18) Who is Known for his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection?

Ans- Charles Darwin

19) What is the Most Abundant Element in the Earth's Crust?

Ans- Oxygen

20) What is the Capital of South Korea?


21) Which Organ in the Human Body is Primarily Responsible for Detoxifying Chemicals and Metabolizing Drugs?

Ans- Liver

22) What is the Term for a Word that has the Same Meaning as Another Word?

Ans- Synonym

23) Who Wrote the Play "Hamlet"?

Ans- William Shakespeare

24) Which Planet is Closest in Size to Earth?

Ans- Venus

25) In which Year did the Titanic Sink?


26) Who Was the First President of the United States?

Ans- George Washington

27) Who Invented the Light Bulb?

Ans- Thomas Edison

28) What is the Main Gas found in the Air we Breathe?

Ans- Nitrogen

29) Who Was the First Female Aviator to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic Ocean?

Ans- Amelia Earhart

30) Which City is Known as the Big Apple?

Ans- New York City

31) Who Developed the Polio Vaccine?

Ans- Jonas Salk

32) Who Wrote "The Great Gatsby"?

Ans- F. Scott Fitzgerald

33) What is the Name of the Galaxy that Contains Our Solar System?

Ans- The Milky Way

34) What is the term for Animals that Eat Both Plants and Meat?

Ans- Omnivores

35) Which Famous Explorer Discovered America in 1492?

Ans- Christopher Columbus

Read More - GK Questions In English

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